Movin' In The Right Direction

Count Basic

Movin' In The Right Direction — Count Basic

©1996 Instinct

1. Sweet Luis
2. This Is Your Life
3. Joy & Pain
4. Movin' In The Right Direction
5. So Far Away
6. On The Move
7. Got To Do
8. Love Your Life
9. Speechless
10. What's Up?
11. Where Did Our Love Go
Thomas Biriez Horn Arrangements
Dirk Erchinger Drums
Bummi Fian Trumpet
Martin Fuss Sax (Tenor)
Dieter Kolbeck Keyboards
Willi Langer Bass
Peter Legat Guitar (ac.), Guitar (El.), Horn Arrangements
Stephan Maass Percussion
Ernie McKone Guitar (Rhythm), Vocals, Producer
Katherine Miller Digital Editing
Bruce Purse Trumpet
Christian Radovan Trombone
Kelli Sae Vocals
Woody Schabata Vibraphone
Scooter Warner Drums

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